Part of what makes Cascadia Quest different from other rites of passage organizations is how much we support our participants in their "incorporation": that time following a vision fast or rite of passage when participants are working to weave the threads of their experience in the desert into the cloth of their daily lives.
You are invited to hear the ceremonial stories from the land as told by the adults who experienced them.
Come hear the epic stories of transformation and renewal while celebrating the medicine brought back from the Men’s Vision Fast. This is a wonderful opportunity to get an embodied experience of our vision quest programs, learn what Cascadia Quest is all about, and to deepen existing relationships in the community.
Bring a mug for tea, a comfy chair or cushion, and an appetite for nourishing, sacred ceremony. If you have a body that can move without much difficulty, please consider parking further away from the address, such as by Lafferty Park, as street parking on Fulvue Drive is limited. This is happening at a residential home, but all are welcome! There will be plenty of people available to answer your questions if you are a first-timer— and you won’t be the only one. Bring your friends and family!
This will be happening at a residential home. If you are able-bodied, please consider parking by Lafferty Park, as there is limited parking on Fulvue Drive.
See you there!