DArkness rite of passage
For young men ages 15-18
june 17 - 24, 2025
Ashland, or
Darkness retreat & wilderness journey into adulthood
At some point, children grow up. The change from adolescent to adult happens. Until quite recently, when a youth was going through these changes they were brought away from their family and community by a group of elders. In a secret place, often deep in wild nature, they died to their life as a child. Through the community-supported initiatory experience, they were then born into the power, beauty, knowledge and responsibilities of adulthood.
"If we do not initiate the youth, they'll burn down the village just to feel the heat" - African Proverb
In collaboration with Sky Cave Retreats we will be offering an eight-day program for 8 youth that will take place June 17th - 24th, 2025. This will include a 24-hour solo in the dark.
The experience is meant to sufficiently challenge the young person to leave behind their life and psychology as a child, and return with the emotional intelligence, courage, vision, knowledge and support to take up their life as an adult.
Young Men’s Initiation 2024
We live in a culture that often defines self-worth through fame, status, money, power, likes and followers. From birth onwards, our kids adopt these types of cultural standards to gauge their worth. This can cover up the beauty and truth of who they innately are, and the depth of meaning in intimate, simple connection.
During their rite of passage, youth will spend 3 days in the surrounding wilderness with our experienced and compassionate team of leaders.
They'll learn nature skills, take part in structured activities to deepen self awareness, and prepare for their 24-hour solo in darkness.
The immersion in darkness initiates them into a space where they are no longer able to look outside of themselves for a sense of worth. This inward journey brings them into an intimate and meaningful connection with themselves, their vision, and what is truly important in life.
Upon emerging, the group will spend a couple of days integrating, sharing and preparing the youth to return to their lives as young adults who know themselves beyond our cultural lens.
Not sure yet? Let’s talk and see if this is the right choice for you and your child.
Cost: $3,250
Dates: June 17th-24th, 2025
Location: Sky Cave Retreats, Ashland OR
Applicable Youth: This Rite of Passage is for young men ages 15 - 18.
Registration: Make your payment or send a $400 deposit to secure your spot below. Our refund policy can be found here.
Questions? Email us at center@cascadiaquest.org or request a call above.
Deposits for Youth Rites of Passage are commitments and will not be refundable.
Click here to read more about our refund policy.
What is it like being in total darkness for that long?
Initially, many people find it to be very comforting and relaxing. They tend to sleep very deeply along with occasional napping.
As time goes on, lacking distractions and nothing else to do, people begin to confront different parts of themselves that they aren’t used to being with.
As someone allows themselves to be with these various parts they meet themselves as they are, then begin to settle into the room, into the dark, and into their body more deeply.
Most people are surprised to find that since they aren’t in a rush and are very present, that they navigate through the room and tend to all their essentials needs with ease.
What if I am scared or get too anxious? Can I get out?
Yes. The door is never locked and you can always come out. Before someone gets to the point of coming out, we encourage them to turn on the light or light a candle, which is provided in the room, as that tends to settle anxiety and fear almost immediately.
What support do you all offer specifically for people in the dark?
We will bring meals to the people in the dark and are available to spend time with them and support them during these check-ins. Remaining silent or talking during these check ins is at the choice of the participant
Whose decision is it for a young person to do a rite of passage?
The short answer is: the parents... with their child’s willingness.
According to Dr. Arne Rubinstein (Australia), author of The Making of Men, "When they are children, the parents make the choices. When they are adults, they make their own choices and have to live with the consequences. The rite of passage is the turning point. It may be the last major decision you make for your child."
Traditionally, rites of passage or initiations were brought to the youth by the elders and mature initiated adults. They had the knowledge and foresight to know that initiation was necessary to temper the fiery forces that are unleashed with puberty and adolescence. It was understood in the community that initiation was necessary to ensure the well-being and continuity of their people. Parents- and the larger community- raised their children with the expectation that some day they would be released into an initiatory experience that would return them as young adults.
Today it is usually the parents- ideally with the blessing and support of elders, family and community- who sign their young person up for this type of rite of passage. Although the young person may resist, which is a normal and healthy part of adolescence, they need to be willing to go along with their parent’s choice. There are many young people who understand this and enthusiastically dive in. Our experience is that resistances and fears fade quickly once they are out in the desert with us, unless the child is absolutely and demonstratively refusing to go.
How do I speak to my son or daughter about doing a rite of passage?
In an honest, authentic and heart-felt way. This is an important conversation. You may have been thinking and dreaming about their rite of passage for years, or even their whole lives. That time is finally here. Let them know how important it is for you and what you wish for them.
A few other suggestions:
Make a special time for the conversation, e.g. a special dedicated dinner or walk, a weekend away, etc.
Speak to your child when they are most likely to hear you. Are you speaking to them when they are likely to be receptive or resistant? Be aware of their and your emotional states. Again, create conditions where they are likely to hear you.
Listen deeply and with "fresh ears." Acknowledge what they have to say. Make the effort to really see them, and let them know that you hear them. This doesn't mean that you have to agree, or change your decision, but acknowledging and considering their view is critical.
Turn off distractions such as TV, cell phones, ipads, or other interactive technologies.
Be clear about who has decision making power. This varies with age and family dynamics. Speaking with a largely dependent 15 year old (tell them with enthusiasm) may be different than an independent 18 year old (persuasively asking them or offering the initiation to them a gift to help them transition out of the house).
Check in with yourself. Are you ready to acknowledge that they are growing up, will soon be or already are a young adult? Are you grounded and ready for the conversation?
Faith and prayer can be helpful.
Call us and talk it over. We'll do our best to help.
Birthing a child is a big deal, perhaps even your reason for living. Taking this major step of letting go of them as a child so that you can welcome them as a young adult is huge. Prepare yourself, create the right conditions, and most of all be authentic, clear, and speak from the heart.
How can I call my daughter or son to this rite of passage?
We strongly urge parents to "call" (telling) their daughter or son to their rite of passage, rather than "invite" (asking) them. Traditionally, a rite of passage is an expectation of all people in the social group (i.e. tribe, clan, or society). It is not an optional summer camp. It is a significant life challenge and ceremony to clearly mark the transition from child to young adult. The rite of passage makes this clear to the young person, as well as their parents, family, community, and ultimately, society.
The tone and nature of the conversation will vary with your style and your relationship with your child. See the suggestions above. However, your calling should be clear, loving, and firm. It should have a feeling of resolve based on your understanding of the rite of passage and your belief that they and you need it.
e.g. "I love you. You are important to us beyond words. You are beautiful, strong, and have so many gifts for the world. We see you are changing and it is time to acknowledge that you are now a young adult. We want you to do (or are signing you up for) a rite of passage to mark that change for all of us. After you return, we'll treat you differently- as a young adult/man/woman. You'll have more freedom- which we know you've been wanting. You'll have more say in things, and we will expect more responsibilities from you. The rite of passage will be challenging. We believe you've got what it takes to get through it. This is a big moment in our lives. You may not have expected this, but that is how life is: we don't get to choose our challenges."
If your child is enthusiastic: For many, it is a moment that they have been waiting for. More freedom, more choices, and more opportunities to show how capable they are.
If your child is resistant: Your child does not have to be enthusiastic, but simply willing to go along. They may have fears or doubts. Or, they are simply being teens, i,.e. part of their job description is to push back against parents so that they can have enough space to find out who they are. There is a possibility that they are truly not ready, though, by age 16 this is seldom the case. If you are unsure, have a conversation with us about it.
Occasionally, a child refuses. There is some underlying reason for this (e.g. fears, entrenched child-led decision-making, they truly are not ready and know it though can’t fully express it, etc.). Finding out can be very challenging. Talk with us. We'll do our best to help. And, sometimes it just doesn't work out.
The reality is that the vast majority report that their rite of passage is the most fun and "awesome" experience they've ever had in their lives!
How can I tell if my daughter or son is not ready for this rite of passage?
They still have a solid foot in children's make-believe or play world (e.g. legos, dolls, movies for 8-10 year olds)
Their peer group is one and a half years or more younger. This is different than taking care of or being a big brother or big sister to a lower age group.
They are still very attached to being with and being directed by parents.
You have an intuition or hunch that they will suffer (emotionally, psychologically, their trust in you, etc.) if they do the rite of passage now.
If their psychological development is for whatever reason slower (autism spectrum, developmental disability, etc.) then they may need more time.
What is the best age to do this?
When they are developmentally ready. Age fourteen is possible but most often at age 15-17. Seventeen and eighteen year olds are usually further out the door, yet often take to what we do most readily. Girls generally, though not always, mature faster emotionally and psychologically, so are more likely to be ready in the 14 to 15 age range. Look for some of these signs : Rapid physical growth and change (increased height and girth, foot size, voice changes, growth of facial and body hair, increased odor, signs of increased testosterone or estrogen, interest in relationships and sex), self exploration, wanting more responsibility, vivid dreams, attraction to challenge, soul searching... "Negative" signs/expressions of the need for a rite of passage: rebelliousness, contrariness, angst, anger, excessive risk-taking, confusion, low self-esteem, violence, relationship troubles, self-harm, and more.
It is much better to have a meaningful rite of passage at this age than spend the next few decades feeling as though they missed something or seeking often harmful ways of self-initiating... Most adults who do our adult vision fasts are seeking to have the rite of passage they never got as a youth.
What do you actually do out there?
Our program brings together the worlds of primitive skills, nature awareness and tracking, nature based ceremony, the practice of council, vision fasting, and mentorship. Hands on skills (tarpcraft, knot tying, camouflage, friction fire, plant i.d., herbal medicine, etc.), inner (emotional) work usually through the medium of physical activities or games, talking circles, intentional “medicine” walks, guided hikes, solo time, work shifts (kitchen, clean up, etc.), story telling, music and singing, and more combine to make a holistic impactful journey.
Because the element of surprise is so critical to the impact of the program, we don’t share the exact details here. If parents/guardians would like more specifics they should contact Rob Miller- program designer and lead guide- at 458-201-2868 for a confidential discussion.
We encourage you to watch this short film about youth rites of passage:
Support their work at warriorfilms.org which is so generously supporting ours.